Physics Projects & Experiments

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Physics Projects & Experiments

  1. All Logic Gate
  2. All Logic Gate kit
  3. AND gate electrical equivalent circuit
  4. AND Gate using NAND Gate
  5. AND Gate using NOR Gate
  6. AND gate using transistors
  7. Basic Logic Gate
  8. Basic Logic Gate Kit
  9. Battery in Parallel
  10. Battery in Series
  11. Battery in Series And Parallel
  12. Bridge Rectifier
  13. LEDs in Parallel
  14. LEDs in Series
  15. LEDs in Series and Parallel
  16. Capacitors in Parallel
  17. Capacitors in Series
  18. Capacitors in Series and Parallel
  19. Center Tapped Transformer Experiment
  20. Conductivity Tester (simple)
  21. Dark Alarm Using Transistor
  22. Dark Detector Using IC555
  23. Day Alarm Using Transistor
  24. Decimal to Binary Converter
  25. Demonstration of Mutual Inductance
  26. Simple Diode & Conductivity Tester
  27. Diode Action or Switching
  28. To Study Effect of Intensity of Light On an LDR
  29. Electric Fuse demonstration
  30. Heating Effect of current using nichrome wire
  31. Electromagnet Showing With Nails
  32. Simple Electromagnet Showing With Nails
  33. Factors Affecting Resistance ( Cu and Al Wire)
  34. Factors Affecting Resistance (testing probs )
  35. Faraday’s Law & Electromagnetic Induction , Variables that Affect Induction
  36. Faraday’s Law & Electromagnetic Induction
  37. Simple Faraday’s Law & Electromagnetic Induction
  38. Fire Alarm Using IC555
  39. Fire Alarm Using Transistors
  40. Full wave rectifier
  41. Demonstration Galvanometer using magnetic compass
  42. Charging Discharging of capacitor
  43. Half wave rectifier
  44. To assemble a Household Circuit comprising three bulbs, three (on/off) switches, a fuse, and a power source.
  45. Household Circuit Model
  46. Identification of Different Electronic Components
  47. To Measure Resistance, Voltage, Current and Check the Continuity of a given Circuit using a Multimeter.
  48. Kirchoff’s law of current (KCL)
  49. Kirchoff’s law of current (KCL) Node analysis
  50. Kirchoff’s law of voltage (KVL)
  51. Kirchoff’s law of voltage (KVL) Mesh analysis
  52. Light Detector using IC555
  53. Magnetic Field Due To Circular Coil
  54. Magnetic Field Due To Solenoid
  55. Magnetic Field Due To Straight Wire
  56. NAND gate electrical equivalent circuit
  57. NAND gate using transistors
  58. Newton colour disc
  59. Night Light Using IC555
  60. NOR gate electrical equivalent circuit
  61. NOR gate using transistors
  62. NOT gate electrical equivalent circuit
  63. NOT Gate using NAND Gate
  64. NOT Gate using NOR Gate
  65. NOT gate using transistors
  66. OR gate electrical equivalent circuit
  67. OR gate using DIODE
  68. OR Gate using NAND Gate
  69. OR Gate using NOR Gate
  70. OR gate using transistors
  71. Lunar Eclipse
  72. Solar Eclipse
  73. Rain Alarm Using Transistor
  74. Regulated power supply using IC7805
  75. Representation of Ohm’s Law and Power Consumption
  76. Representation of Wheatstone bridge (Hardbord)
  77. Representation of Wheatstone bridge (Cardboard)
  78. Resistances in Parallel
  79. Resistances in Series
  80. Determination of the equivalent resistance of two resistors when connected in series and parallel.
  81. Resistances in Series and Parallel
  82. Resistor Colour Coding
  83. Two Input AND gate electrical equivalent circuit
  84. Two Input OR gate electrical equivalent circuit
  85. Two Input NAND gate electrical equivalent circuit
  86. Two Input NOR gate electrical equivalent circuit
  87. Special Logic Gate
  88. Step Down Transformer (Hand Made)
  89. Step Down Transformer Experiment
  90. Storage Capacity of an Electrolytic Capacitor
  91. Nuclear Fusion
  92. Nuclear Fission Chain Reaction
  93. Nuclear Fusion & Nuclear Fission
  94. Switching Action of Transistor
  95. Transformation of electric energy to mechanical energy (Motor & wheel)
  96. Transformation of mechanical energy to electric energy (Motor & wheel)
  97. Solar Energy to Electrical Energy
  98. Unidirectional flow of current in a diode using Multimeter
  99. Universal Logic Gate
  100. Universal Logic Gate Kit
  101. Unidirectional flow of current in a diode
  102. V-I Characteristics of Diode in Forward biased
  103. V-I Characteristics of Photo Diode in Reverse Biased
  104. V-I Characteristics of Zener Diode in Reverse Biased
  105. V-I Characteristics of Diode in Forward & Reverse Biased
  106. Voltage Division Rule & Its Application to LDR
  107. Water overflow alarm using 555 timer
  108. Water overflow alarm using transistor
  109. XNOR Gate using Switch
  110. XNOR Gate Using Transistors
  111. XOR Gate using Switch
  112. XOR Gate Using Transistors
  113. Zener as Voltage Regulator
  114. Zener regulated power supply
  115. Simple Electronic Buzzer / Bell
  116. Simple Electrical Circuit
  117. Simple Electronic Circuit
  118. Simple DC Fan Project
  119. Solar LED Lights
  120. Solar DC Fan Project
  121. Bulbs in Series
  122. Bulbs in Parallel
  123. Bulbs in Series and Parallel
  124. Burglar Alarm using IC555
  125. Burglar Alarm using Transistor
  126. Advance Universal Logic Gate Kit
  127. Simple Rain Alarm using Buzzer and LED
  128. Photocell Experiment (To Study the Variation in Photoelectric Current with Intensity of Light)

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