Arduino Innovations: Unleash Potential
#Trending Arduino Projects
- Third Eye for the Blind
- Third Eye for blind with Vibrator Glove
- Arduino & Ultrasonic Sensor Based Distance Measurement
- Electronic Voting Machine using Arduino
- Bluetooth /Android Control Home Automation (4-Channel Relay)
- Bluetooth /Android Control Wireless Notice Board
- Arduino Based Alcohol Detector and Alert
- Smart Talking System wearable smart gadget for dumb people or patient
- Portable Temperature & Humidity Monitoring System
- Parking Lot Gate Controller with Capacity Counter using 7 Segment Display / slot based parking lot
- Ultrasonic Glasses for the Blind (single Sensor)
- Social distance alert system Using ultrasonic
- Portable Environment monitor
- Arduino UNO based Weather Station using 16×2 LCD, DHT11 , LDR and MQ135
- Automatic Room Light Controller with Bidirectional Visitor Counter
- Automatic Room Light Controller with Bidirectional Visitor Counter Multiple Load Using Arduino Uno
- Smart Blind Stick With vibrators, Water sensor & Night Sensor
- Anti-sleep alarm with Driver Safety system using Arduino Nano
- Simple Anti-sleep alarm system using Arduino Nano
- Alcohol Sensing based Drunk Driving Detection & Vehicle Accident Prevention System using Arduino Nano
- Alcohol & Eye-Blink Sensing based Vehicle Accident Prevention System using Arduino UNO & LCD 16X2
- Gas Leakage Detector & Alert System Using Arduino Nano & LCD 16X2
- Intelligent Gas Leakage Detector cum exhaust with auto regulator off using Arduino UNO & LCD
- Smart Touchless Dustbin using Arduino, Ultrasonic & Servo
- Smart Speaking Dustbin with automatic lid opener
- Electronic Voting Machine with separated switch panel
- Smartphone Controlled Door Lock using Arduino, Servo & Bluetooth
- RFID Card Based Door Lock using Arduino Nano, Servo
- RFID Card based Door Lock using Arduino Uno, LCD 16X2, Relay & Electric Door Lock
- Password based Door Lock using Arduino Uno , LCD 16X2, Relay & Electric Door Lock
- Password Door Lock using Arduino nano, Servo and Keypad
- Password based Door Lock using Arduino Nano, Bo Motor & Relay
- Password based Circuit Breaker using Arduino
- Arduino Nano based Weather Station using 16×2 LCD, DHT11 , LDR and MQ135
- Soil Moisture Level Monitoring With Automatic Plant Irrigation System using Arduino uno
- Automatic Plant Irrigation System using Arduino Nano
- Bidirectional Visitor Counter
- Rain operated wiper
- Alcohol Sensing based Engine Lock
- Mobile Controlled DC Pump using Bluetooth Technology
- Smart Shower Using Arduino
- Line Follower Robot using Arduino
- Obstacle Avoider Robot using arduino and ultrasonic sensor
- Edge Avoider Robot using arduino and IR Module
- Fire Fighting Robot using 3 IR Module
- Smart Phone/Bluetooth Controlled Robot
- Voice Control Robot using android app
- Obstacle Avoiding Robot using ultrasonic sensor & servo motor
- Smart Vehicle for Driver Safety Using Multiple Sensors
- Vacuum Cleaner Robot with obstacle Avoidance Mechanism
- Smartphone Controlled Rocker Bogie Mechanism based rover for Rough Terrain
- Hand Following Robot
- Anti-Collision Train with speed Controller Mechnism
- Landmine Detector wireless Robot with LCD Display
- Smart Speaking Welcome Gadgets
- Smart Baby Cradle
- Automatic Door Opner using Arduino
- Quiz Buzzer Using Arduino Nano
- Automatic Water Filling Plant / Automatic Bottle Filling Machine Using Arduino
- Alcohol Sensing Based Automatic Steering Lock System
- Automatic Rain Sensing Wiper for Helmet
- Arduino based Door and Fire Safety system using GSM 800A, Magnetic Switch, Flame Sensor
- Prepaid Energy Meter Using Arduino and GSM Module
- SMS based Agriculture Pump Controller using Arduino & GSM Module
- GSM based Locker Safety System using arduino
- Vehicle Accident Detection and Alert System using GPS and GSM Technology
- Women Safety system using GPS and GSM Technology
- Home Security system using GSM and PIR
- GSM based home automation (4 channel )
- RFID Car Ignition System
- Wireless Vehicle and Charging Station
“Arduino Innovations & Projects: Inspiring Innovation for Electronics, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering Students, Ideal for School Projects, Hobbies, and Inspire Award Entries – Perfect for Major/Minor/Final Year Projects and Science Exhibition Models!”
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